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Saturday, January 15th

This turned out to be a great day!

I went the the hospital to visit Judy and began to watch the Steelers play in the AFC Divisional Playoff game.  Just before half time, I had to leave to come back to the coach so I could scream at the TV.  Baltimore's Ravens were winning the game and the Steelers were making all kinds of rookie mistakes.

The second half went a little differently.  The Steelers move onto the AFC Championship game after defeating the Baltimore Ravens in dramatic come from behind fashion!

Then the best part of the day...Around 10:00 p.m. Judy was released from the hospital.

After eight days in the Hospital with what doctors assessed to be a life threatening infection, she finally got out.  Her recovery was slow but steady and will continue for a little longer.  Fortunately, that remaining recovery period will be done away from the hospital.

I want to thank everyone who called, said prayers and thought good thoughts.  You have no idea how much that meant to both of us.

I also want to express my sincere appreciation to everyone who took care of her for the last eight days.

First, the Chula Vista Fire and Paramedics were quick to arrive, assess and transport in a professional and caring manner.

Second, the E.R. staff at Scripps-Mercy Hospital for the fast and quick diagnosis that saved her life.

Third, the 3rd floor Nurses who were caring and attentive, especially Ivan

And finally, Doctors Hinojosa and Johnson.  These guys were with her from the E.R. to discharge.  "Thank you" seems inadequate, but it's the best I can come up with.

An incident like this makes you appreciate what you have.  I am truly blessed to have her in my life and eternally grateful for those folks that, in the past week, helped keep her in my life.

Now that my traveling buddy is back, we will be hitting the road soon and continuing our adventure.

Stay tuned....

1 comment:

Don Fry said...

Hoo-Yahhh, very happy to hear the news, God bless and stay well.